Ivy Generator


Who doesn’t want a Houdini ivy generator! This has been a white rabbit project, and to this day I still have plans to improve it.

As time has gone on I find myself adding more and more, updating the HDA time and again to expose artistic control to the user. Input paint maps can be used for flow guidance and areas of growth/avoidance. The overhead drape and ability to jump short distances between objects are among my favorite technical challenges.


Used several times on personal projects. Initially, the node tree was massive and took about 1 minute to cook on simple geo. Since then I've updated the growth system and optimized the leaf instancing, now cook time is about 10-20 seconds depending on geo complexity. I've also scripted in AO and Curvature as areas to grow on or avoid.

IvyGen_v03_01_AO IvyGen_v03_01_Curvature

CG Generalist | [email protected]

©Daunish Irani 2024